Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
Hearing Room Technology & Instructions
The Board of Professional Conduct uses two hearing rooms at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center to conduct most disciplinary hearings. Hearing Rooms 104 and 106 offer the following technologies to facilitate the presentation of witness testimony and other evidence:
Evidence presentation: Parties may connect a laptop or tablet, using an HDMI cable, or a flash drive to display documents and videos on hearing room monitors. The podium is equipped with a touch screen monitor to facilitate the presentation of documents and videos.
Document camera: Parties have the option of using a document camera to display documents, photographs, and physical evidence.
Video and audio teleconferencing: Hearing rooms are equipped with cameras and software to facilitate remote witness testimony, and a telephone only option is available. Parties are reminded that remote testimony may be presented only with prior leave of the panel chair.
The parties are responsible for operating the equipment in the hearing room and making the necessary arrangements for remote testimony when leave is granted by the panel chair. Prior to a scheduled hearing, parties are asked to review the detailed instructions for Hearing Room 104 and 106 provided by the Supreme Court IT staff for use of the hearing room equipment. A notebook containing the instructions is available in each hearing room.
On occasion, the Board schedules hearings in the Court of Claims courtroom on the third floor of the Moyer Judicial Center. Information about the technology available in that courtroom can be found here.