Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
Financial Disclosure for Judges, Magistrates and Judicial Candidates
Each judge, retired judge eligible for assignment to active duty, magistrate, and judicial candidate is required to file an annual financial disclosure statement with the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct. See R.C. 102.02 and Jud. Cond. R. 3.15. Your statement includes activity in calendar year 2024. For most Judicial Branch filers, the statement must be filed on or before May 15, 2025. If you are a candidate for election or reelection to judicial office in 2025, your filing deadline may be earlier than May 15. Please click on the link to the FDS instructions, below, for information regarding your filing deadline.
There is no filing fee for a judge, retired judge, magistrate, or judicial candidate who files a financial disclosure statement with the Board of Professional Conduct. The costs of administering the financial disclosure filing requirements are paid from attorney registration fees assessed and collected by the Supreme Court.
Electronic Filing of Financial Disclosure Statement
Each judicial branch filer must electronically file his or her financial disclosure statement. Electronic filing has several advantages including the assurance that you have completed all necessary portions of the statement prior to filing, the receipt of an immediate acknowledgement that your form has been filed, and the ability to print or save a time-stamped copy of your completed statement. In subsequent years, your financial disclosure statement will be pre-populated with information contained in the previous year’s statement so that you will need only to update your statement before filing. The online portal can be accessed via the following link on or after January 2, 2025:
If, after reading the instructions, you have questions regarding your filing requirements or completion of the statement, please contact the Board at 614.387.9370.