Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct is a 28-member quasi-judicial body appointed by the Supreme Court of Ohio that consists of 17 lawyers, seven active or retired judges, and four non-lawyers. The Board's duties are as follows:
Adjudicating formal complaints of misconduct involving judges and lawyers and making recommendations to the Supreme Court on the appropriate sanction
Hearing cases involving the impairment of judges and lawyers and the reinstatement of lawyers suspended from the practice of law
Monitoring and assisting bar association certified grievance committees in the regulation of the legal profession
Issuing ethics advisory opinions
Advising judges and lawyers on ethics compliance
Conducting educational programs on ethics for judges, lawyers, and judicial candidates
Receiving and retaining financial disclosure statements filed annually by judges, magistrates, and judicial candidates
Guide to the Board of Professional Conduct
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
65 South Front Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431
Phone: 614.387.9370
Fax: 614.387.9379
Chair: Patrick M. McLaughlin, Esq.
Vice-chair: Teri R. Daniel, Esq.
Director: Richard A. Dove, Esq.
Senior Counsel: D. Allan Asbury, Esq.
Case Management Clerk: Faith Long