Ohio Board of Professional Conduct
Advisory Opinion Process
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct may issue nonbinding advisory opinions in response to prospective or hypothetical questions from members of the bar and judiciary. Written requests to the Director are reviewed by a committee under the Standards for Issuing Advisory Opinions.
The Board is solely responsible for the content of the advisory opinions, and the advice contained in the opinions do not reflect and should not be construed as reflecting the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
No advisory opinions are pending at this time.
Advisory Opinion Status List
The Advisory Opinion Status List identifies the opinions as "Withdrawn," "Modified," or "Not Current," "CPR Opinion" or other designations as decided upon by the Board.
Advisory Opinion Master Index
The Advisory Opinion Master Index enables opinions to be researched by subject area.
Advisory Opinion Subscription Service
Subscribers receive electronic copies of Advisory Opinions when released by the Board of Professional Conduct.
Advisory Opinions
Advisory Opinion Inquiries
Telephone Inquiries:
A legal staff member is usually available to discuss ethics questions with judges, lawyers, and judicial candidates.
Call 614.387.9370
Written Inquiries:
Richard A. Dove, Esq., Director
Board of Professional Conduct
65 South Front Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431